"Actually for My Chemical Romance, they're cousins, not brother. But awesome list you have here!"

"Awesome list! Has the artist done anything else?"

"I've heard quite a lot of critics say that they, coupled with a few others, were the worst superhero movies known to man. And yes Jar jar isn't the best character out there, but still, to condemn an"

"Yes, I agree with the guy above me. And you get extra brownie points because you have Shawn Ashmore at top. Not to mention you included the old school heroes like Lynda Carter. Awesome list mate! How"

"LOL the starwars thing made me laugh. Bravo!"

"Wow, you never really think about Musicians as being something else ya?"

"I personally think that Maleficent should be higher up. XD Haha good list!"

"Wow, I didn't know he made Planet of the apes nor James and the Giant Peach. You've gotta admit that's kinda cool. You know I think he should direct a Harry Potter. I think that would be awesome. I m"

"Fight Club! And doesn't 300 do the same thing?"

"You know I think you should change this list to: "Celebs Eating." XD Good list though. Haha made me laugh."

"lol. Sorry, funny little comment convo. Anyway, I quite agree, awesome list!"