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34 votes
Films that I liked, but a bunch of people didn't
(12 items)Movie list by Elizardc Published 15 years, 1 month ago
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Favourite TV shows
(18 items)Tv list by Elizardc Published 15 years, 2 months ago
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Recent reviews
I want to be an Amazon!

In the past WW has sort of been... a bleh, you know? It was as if she was only created as a "Here's a Super Female Hero" to shut the feminist up. With her ordinary powers (super strength, flight) and her rather laughable accessories (Lasso of Truth? and the Invisible Jet which she doesn't really need because she can fly) she wasn't even that good of a superhero. But WW is awesome in her own right - and this movie is a step towards the right direction.
The movie starts in battle, the Amazons against the monsters of Ares (God of War). Hippolyta (Wonder Woman's mother) and Ares crosses blades with the Amazon Queen rising as victor. As she's about to make the final blow, Zeus interferes. And Ares becomes their prisoner instead. But for their grief, Hera gives the Amazons an island of their own- Themyscira and in addition, Hippolyta is given a daughter - all of this in the first 9 minutes of the movie.
To make things short and to make sure I don't spoil the goodies of this movie, basically Ares escapes and the world is in peril and Diana (Wonder Woman) wins the right to go over to man's world and save the day.
The score of this movie is amazing. The voice actors are wonderful fits to their characters most notably, Alfred Molina as Ares, Rosario Dawson as Artemis, Oliver Platt as Hades and Virginia Madsen as Hippolyta. To be honest, Keri Russell's voice didn't exactly fit for the lead, but really it can be easily looked over.
It's action after action and dull moments are none-existent. What's particularly interesting are the Amazons - each butt-kicking one of them (well all except for one) and the Amazon zombies nearing the end (though really were rather useless but still awesome). I particularly found their interpretation of Hades delicious - renewing an old over-used character.
However, there are a few things I didn't exactly care for. One, making Etta Candy (Wonder Woman's best friend) thin and air-headed. I thought that was a horrible thing to do. A butchering of the true Etta Candy. Two, the romance with Steve Trevor. I know Steve Trevor is pretty much like the Lois Lane of Wonder Woman but still. It just seemed a little forced. Though I have to say, the makers of the film did this rather tastefully. Three, Alexa the Amazon. Personally I don't think she can even be considered an Amazon. She's the annoying cliche little character foil and boy did she get on my nerves.
But apart from that, Wonder Woman is an amazing movie. It's really quite a shame that animated films don't get the same weight or the same regard as ordinary ones. I recommend this to everyone. Honestly guys, cartoons aren't just for kids.

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"Leighton Meester and Isabelle Drummond - Seriously."

"Sucker Punch? On Tersanay already suggested it. But yeah their walk is made awesome by the song that plays. Which I think should be a different point all together. :P"

"Lol, this list has some of my favourite movies and some of the movies I can't stand. Interesting choices!"

"I thought about putting the Disney Princess on the list but I figured their characters make sense in the context of a fairy-tale."

"I think you should add Hunchback of Notre Dame. I feel its grossly underrated - it has wonderful art, fantastic music - I have no idea why. :("

"Isn't he gonna be in a zombie flick in the near future?"

"Man I just ate dinner and so I thought I would be immune but NOOO! I HUNGRY!"

"1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling 2. Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman 3. Macbeth - Shakespeare 4. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky 5. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens 6. The Cou"

"Ditto to what Mocchan said! That's must have been so great!"

"You're missing out on the best ones! Well Sinbad, Prince of Eqypt and Road to El Dorado. Definitely try to see them next!"

"Hahah interesting list! Why did you choose to do it?"
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Check out W/D/A:
A list of talented individuals that Write, Direct and Act within the same films...
It would be nice. As more people choose their types, this will be more interesing results.
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